A final analysis of the 2020 rolling blackouts confirmed what a preliminary report in October found — that the blackouts were not caused by one single thing but by a combination of factors. But as the Governor himself stated: “We failed to predict and plan for these shortages and that’s simply unacceptable.”  This story reviews the various factors, causes and reasons that led to the outages – the first since the California energy crisis of 2000 and 2001:  https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/trying-to-avoid-a-repeat-of-last-summers-blackouts.

Jason Zeller has over thirty years of professional experience in public utility regulation, including experience in all of the industries regulated by the CPUC. Previously he served as an Assistant General Counsel at the Commission for twelve years and was a staff counsel for six years. Jason is a graduate of Claremont McKenna College and New York Law School. He also holds a Master’s in Urban Affairs and Policy Analysis from The New School. He is an active member of the California State Bar Association.