Public Participation Hearings will be held in March 2023. Please see ALJ’s Ruling for more information.

SDG&E filed its 2024 General Rate Case (GRC) on May 16, 2022. This is the case that establishes the overall amount of money (revenue requirement) SDG&E believes it needs to continue providing gas and electricity service to its customers. For “test-year” 2024 SDG&E has requested $3.022 billion ($2.348 billion for electric service and $674 million for gas service) an increase of $475 million over the expected 2023 revenue requirement. This amount equals an astonishing 18.7% increase. (see SDG&E Application here, p. 4).

For comparison, in its last GRC filed on October 6, 2017 SDG&E requested $2.199 billion ($1.766 billion for electric and $433 million for gas) to provide service in test-year 2019, equating to an 11% increase over the 2018 revenue requirement (a $218 million increase). This request was updated in 2018 to an even higher amount of $2.203 billion (see final Commission decision D.19-09-051 p. 2).

UCAN and other intervenors successfully argued against many of SDG&E’s requested increases in the 2019 GRC. The final approved revenue requirement was $1.990 billion ($1.590 billion for electric and $400 million for gas) or $212.504 million lower than SDG&E’s requested amount. Instead of an 11% increase SDG&E’s request was cut nearly in half to only 5.7% thanks to the work of UCAN and other intervenors (see D.19-09-051 p. 2).

UCAN is currently reviewing the 2024 GRC application (and all 48 testimonies) to determine where crucial savings can be found so ratepayers are not hit with an 18.7% increase in their gas & electricity bills. If you want to help UCAN with this important job please donate donate here.

Jason Zeller has over thirty years of professional experience in public utility regulation, including experience in all of the industries regulated by the CPUC. Previously he served as an Assistant General Counsel at the Commission for twelve years and was a staff counsel for six years. Jason is a graduate of Claremont McKenna College and New York Law School. He also holds a Master’s in Urban Affairs and Policy Analysis from The New School. He is an active member of the California State Bar Association.